(+1 ) 647-513-4107‬ info@raiimmigrationservices.com

Phone Consultation – Client Agreement


This Initial Consultation Agreement is made between: Srijana Pauline Rai, RCIC (#R705676) And The “Client”

AND WHEREAS the RCIC is a member of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) (the “Council”), the regulator in Canada for immigration consultants; and bound by the By-laws, Code of Professional Ethics, and Regulations as set forth by the Council; and

IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants contained in this Agreement, the parties agree as follows:

RCIC Responsibilities and Commitments

The RCIC will provide the Client with the following professional services under the terms of this Agreement:

  1. Obtain further information on the Client’s goals;
  2. Obtain information on the Client’s background, qualifications and personal and financial circumstances;
  3. Provide advice on the current status of Canadian immigration laws and policies where they relate to the Client’s query;
  4. Review the Client’s information and assess it with the current Canadian laws and policies;
  5. Determine the most appropriate immigration strategy for the Client (if any), and;
  6. Advise the Client on the selected immigration strategy.

Client Responsibilities and Commitments

  1. The Client must provide the RCIC with factual information and documentation as are required to perform the consultation.
  2. The Client understands that information provided must be accurate and honest and he/she must inform the RCIC of all information, even if negative or adverse, which might be relevant to the advice provided by the RCIC in this matter.
  3. The Client understands that failure to fully disclose all relevant information to the RCIC will impact the advice given by the RCIC and may void this Agreement, or seriously affect the outcome of the application of the Client or the retention of any status that the Client may obtain.

Limits of Engagement

  1. The services to be provided under this Agreement are limited to a single consultation.
  2. The work done under PAID-60 minute Assessment and Advise Agreement will be limited to sixty (60) minutes only
  3. The RCIC shall not provide further information or advice to the Client unless the Client and the RCIC have expressly agreed to a continuation of this Agreement beyond the decided initial time period, and for which a fees have been paid.
  4. The Client shall pay a consultation fee of CAD $150.00 for the PAID-60 min assessment and advise consultation.
  5. All fees paid are in CAD (Canadian Dollars).
  6. The taxes will be charged at 15% as per the provincial tax in Ontario for anyone in Canada.
  7. The RCIC does not provide detailed job-hunting advice and career counselling advice.
  8. Fees that have been earned under this agreement are non-refundable.
  9. No refunds will be given once the client has booked the appointment.
  10. A further available date can be assigned only after the client speaks with the RCIC. The confirmation will be given via email

Other Conditions

  1. The advice provided by the RCIC to the Client is based on the Canadian immigration laws and policies current on the date of the consultation where relevant.
  2. The RCIC is not responsible or accountable for any change in government legislation or policy that may impact the processing of any subsequent application by the Client.
  3. The RCIC shall provide consulting services to the Client to the standard of a competent ICCRC member.
  4. The laws in effect in the Province of Ontario, Canada shall govern the terms and conditions of this agreement